1. Set Goals - Before you start an exercise and diet program to get back into shape in six weeks, set some reasonable goals for yourself. When I did it, I set two goals: 1) exercise for at least 30-45 minutes six days a week and 2) lose at least 3 pounds a week. That meant that, with a six week 'getting into shape' plan, I was likely to lose around 18-20 lbs and be much more toned up.
2. Eat Healthier/Natural Food - Just because you're trying to get back into shape, doesn't mean you don't eat. Think about what you normally eat (for most of us it's high-fat junk food, which is why we're out of shape in the first place). Substitute your normal diet with low-fat foods, fish, chicken, fruits and vegetables, low fat yoghurt and milk, some nuts, beans, wholewheat bread - basically all the healthy stuff. It's amazing how, just eating healthy food, can get you back into shape and it tastes good too.
3. Stop Eating Sugar - One of my failings is eating too much sugar. Cut out the sugar. If you must have sugar in coffee, try to cut it down to less than one teaspoon (I don't agree with sugar substitutes like aspartame, as they have been shown to cause problems with the brain etc). Otherwise, only eat natural sugars from fruit. it's quite easy to get into shape in six weeks if you don't eat processed sugars.
4. Eat - A lot of people think, if you're trying to get back into shape and lose weight, you should stop eating. Not true. Your body needs energy to function correctly. If you stop eating, your body goes into starvation mode and stops using calories efficiently. This usually causes you to lose less weight. The best way to lose weight and get back into shape within six weeks is to eat small meals every four hours during the day. Things like a low-fat yoghurt and an apple, can be one meal. Low-fat chicken sandwich on wholewheat bread with some lettuce and mustard and some carrot sticks is another meal. Five to six small meals a day (around 250-350 calories per meal) will ensure your body begins to work effectively to burn calories and cause you to lose weight.
5. Exercise At Least 30-45 Minutes Six Days a Week - Begin exercising immediately and do it at least six days a week to get back into shape. Low-impact aerobics, walking, cycling on an exercise bike, walking on a treadmill, yoga - all are good low-impact exercises you can do for 30-45 minutes. Just make sure you move at a speed that is elevating your heart rate (you'll know this when you start to breath harder) and you'll find you start to lose weight quickly and, also, within a couple of weeks you'll start to move faster.
6. Be Careful What You Drink - When I got in shape in six weeks, one big thing I changed was what I was drinking. Many of us consume enormous amounts of calories from drinks - beer, wine, soda, (cans of Coke and Pepsi cause people to gain huge amounts of weight!), and even too much coffee and tea with sugar and milk. I used to drink 10-15 cups of coffee a day with copious amounts of milk or powdered milk and sugar. Now, I've cut my coffee intake down to 6 cups a day with milk and sugar (and maybe a couple more just black). Then the rest of the time, I drink water. (And before I get lectures about "too much coffee", my whole family has drunk this much coffee for generations and we all live to a ripe old age. Europeans just tend to drink more coffee and still live longer than most Americans). So, cut down on the calories in drinks. Just cutting out two cans of Coke a day saves more than 500 calories. In just six weeks, that means you will lose around 7 lbs just from drinking less Coke or Pepsi.
7. Don't Eat Out - Not only does eating in restaurants waste money, most restaurant food is also much higher fat and has more calories than similar meals you can make at home. If you must eat out, try to cut it down to once or twice a week at the most. The rest of the time, make meals at home. You'll lose weight fast and save money too!
8. Do Some Weight Lifting - The more muscles you have, the more calories you burn. Do some weight lifting (free weights are great for arms, chest and stomach) and you'll see how fast you start to burn more calories, making it even easier to get into shape in six weeks.
If I managed to get into shape in six weeks, anyone can. Just follow these short, easy healthy tips and you too will be surprised how quickly you can get back into shape and get fit.